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Cross-site scripting (XSS) - What's that and how to identify them?

On my blog are some vulnerabilities called "Cross-site scripting" or "XSS", but what exactly is a Cross-site scripting?

A Cross-site scripting attack is a type of a html injection and the problem is always when a web application accept user input and generates the output without validating or encoding it. This flaw makes it possible for an attacker to inject a malicious script – like javascript – to access cookies, session tokes or some other sensitive information stored in the user’s browser, because it thinks the script came from a trusted source.  

They are some different possibilties to identify XSS vulnerabilities:

- use a web security scanner, like xsser, arachni, Nikto
- test/review the code for places with user input which possibly ends into HTML output
(contact forms, search forms …)
For an example I use the web application "LightNEasy 3.2.4".

OK, let’s the fun begin and let’s see if there is any contact form or search form which accepts our (malicious) input ;)

The News page
 What happens when we send a comment with a user, e-mail and some javascript in the "Your comment" field ?

Oooppsss, that’s interessting ;)

So, where is here the problem? Let’s have a look at the code! First we use a fgrep on console about the html value "commentmessage".
root@bt:/var/www/lighteasy# fgrep -r "commentmessage" *

The line "$commentmessage = str_replace($order, "<br />",sanitize($_POST[‘commentmessage’]));" in the file "main.php" looks interessting.
We can see there is also a "sanitize" for "$_POST[‘commentmessage’]" but obviously this is not enough to prevent our injection. (Note: "sanitize" is a function in the file "/var/www/lighteasy/LightNEasy/common.php).

Next we change the line in main.php as follows:
- $commentmessage = str_replace($order, "<br />",sanitize($_POST[‘commentmessage’]))
+ $commentmessage = str_replace($order, "<br />",htmlentities($_POST[‘commentmessage’]))
Now, let’s test the XSS attack again

Nice, now this problem seems to be fixed!
For our next try we use a wrong captcha and see what happens

Damn, our fix doesn’t work for a user input with a wrong captcha, but why?

OK, back to the code in the main.php. There are the following if/else statements:
if($_POST[‘commentname’]"" || $_POST['commentmessage']"")
        else {
                if($_POST[‘secCode’] != $_SESSION[‘operation’]) <— here is the "problem" with the wrong captcha!
                else {
                        $order   =
array("rn", "n", "r");
                        $commentmessage =  
str_replace($order, "<br />",htmlentities($_POST[‘commentmessage’])); <- our fix
                        //$commentmessage =  str_replace($order, "<br />",sanitize($_POST[‘commentmessage’])); <- old code
With a wrong captcha our fix is never reached, so there must be a second place in the code where our input/output isn’t properly sanitized. So when we show on the screenshot from the "fgrep" command again, we see a second file "main1.php" with the variable "commentmessage".
In this file we change the following line and test our injection (with a wrong captcha) again.

-if($editar) $out.=sanitize($_POST[‘commentmessage’]);
+if($editar) $out.=
Of course the captcha is wrong, so there is no new comment, but have a look to the HTML-Code!
OK, so we fixed our problems. Possibly there is a better fix for this CMS?! For example, why is the "sanitize" function not enough to prevent our XSS? But I think for this short article the solution with htmlentities it’s OK ;)
Futher information about XSS and the LightNEasy vulnerabilities can be found here:


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