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My new article on heise Security

Here is my newest article, published on heise Security.
This time it’s about the Web-Security tool "CSRFTester" from The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It’s a short overview how to use the CSRFTester to identify "Cross Site Request Forgery" vulnerabilites in web applications.
Here is the link to the article: http://heise.de/-1735223
Enjoy yourself!

HAKIN9 IT Security Magazin - 12/2011

Well, here is my next article for the German HAKIN9 IT Security Magazin. This time it’s about Web-Security and it holds three examples (XSS, SQL-Injection and Blind SQL-Injection) about, how to identify and fix vulnerabilites in web applications. Tools used for this one are Netsparker Community Edition from mavitunasecurity, Arachni and sqlmap.
And of course not to forget, a big special THANKS to Dr. Philip Walter for his great support!
Well, enough of the words, here are the links: HAKIN9 IT Security Magazin – 12/2011 or here
Enjoy yourself!

HAKIN9 IT Security Magazin - 07/2011

My second article "Mobile security – Secure workspaces with Check Point Abra" is published in the latest edition of the security magazine hakin9.
So, here’s the free download – http://de.hakin9.org/magazine/1748-mobiles-internet
Further information, about Check Point Abra, can be found on the Check Point website – http://www.checkpoint.com/products/abra/
Enjoy yourself ;) !

HAKIN9 IT Security Magazin - 05/2011

Mein erster Artikel, mit dem Thema "Netzwerk-Sicherheit – Schutz eines Netzwerks durch ein Check Point Security Gateway", wurde in dem IT Security Maganzin HAKIN9 05/2011 veröffentlicht.
Der Artikel bzw. die komplette Ausgabe, kann unter dem folgenden Link – kostenlos – runtergeladen werden.
Viel Spass beim Lesen ;D
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