[Video] - Build a backdoor in OpenSSH 6.4p1 with Kali Linux
This time I show you, how to build a "backdoor" in your own OpenSSH 6.4p1 installation under Kali Linux
Continue reading "[Video] - Build a backdoor in OpenSSH 6.4p1 with Kali Linux"
HTML5 Security Cheatsheet
Here you can find the HTML5 Security Cheatsheet, which is a nice source of some good XSS payloads.
For Example:
XSS via formaction – requiring user interaction (1)
A vector displaying the HTML5 form and formaction capabilities for form hijacking outside the actual form
Self-including DOM Worker XSS
A self-including code snippet utilizing a DOM worker and firing a message event to itself causing script execution
0?<script>Worker("#").onmessage=function()eval(.data)</script> :postMessage(importScripts(‘data:;base64,cG9zdE1lc3NhZ2UoJ2FsZXJ0KDEpJyk’))
Self-hijacking JSON literals
In case parts of a JSON literal are controlled by user input there’s a risk to allow auto-harvesting values from later object members.
[Video] - SSCHADV2013-009 - store.apple.com - DOM based Cross-site Scripting vulnerability
Here is a video for my advisory "SSCHADV2013-009 – store.apple.com – DOM based Cross-site Scripting vulnerability"
And here is a link to the video on youtube: http://youtu.be/qlTZD3ri_wU
Enjoy yourself!
Shame on me ;-)
I totally forget to publish my Security Advisory about some Cross-Site Request Forgery & Cross-site Scripting vulnerabilities on http://t-online.de. So I published it today.
And here is the link to the advisory SSCHADV2012-099 and here are some pictures about the XSS by html file (1, 2), txt file (1, 2, 3) and two videos about the CSRF vulnerabilities :)
Bypass 'preg_replace' XSS filter
// xss.php (Download)
$message = $_GET[‘xss’];
$message =
preg_replace( ‘/<script[^\>]*>|<\/script>|(onabort|onblur|onchange|onclick|ondbclick|onerror|onfocus|onkeydown|onkeypress|
onreset|onresize|onselect|onsubmit|onunload)\s*=\s*"[^"]+"/i’, ‘’, $message );
echo $message;