In Jan ’14 I reported three Cross-site Scripting vulnerabilities to the Yahoo Bug Bounty Program. And I know, it is really really hard, but … again … no feedback or bounty :)
XSS on ‘‘
XSS on ‘‘
XSS on ‘’
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Here are the my last advisory which I’ve reported in 2013 to the Yahoo Bug Bounty Program. And again…the same story for this report as for my others :-/
If you’re interested, you can read it here:
Here is my advisory for the XSS on
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In Nov ’13 I reported a Cross-site Scripting vulnerability to the Yahoo Bug Bounty Program. As for my other reports, I’ve got no response or feedback, so I wrote a message to them via email this time and so on … blah blah :)
To cut a long story short, for all my reports the communication with Yahoo was really bad and of course: No bounty!
It seems this XSS is fixed, so here is my advisory:
Continue reading "Yahoo Bug Bounty Program Vulnerability #1 XSS on"