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Overthewire Vortex Level0

Mit http://www.overthewire.org/ scheint es (eine weitere) interessante Seite, mit sogenannten Wargames zu geben.
"The wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of funfilled games" (http://www.overthewire.org)
Na dann mal los......;D
Hier meine Lösung für Level0


use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
        my $socket;
        my $msg;
        # create socket
        $socket= IO::Socket::INET->new
        PeerAddr => 'vortex.labs.overthewire.org',
        PeerPort => '5842',
        Proto => 'tcp',
        ) or die "Could not connect.\n";
        # receive message
        my $sum;
        my $i;
        for ( $i=0;$i<4;$i++ ) {
                $sum += unpack "I",$msg;
        # send message back
        my $smsg;
        $smsg = pack "I", $sum;
        if ($socket->send($smsg)) {
                print "[+] Send message back '", $smsg,"'\n";
                print "[+] ....done\n";
        # receive solution
        my $solution;
        print "[+] Received solution '", $solution,"'\n";
        # close socket



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