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SSCHADV2013-012 - ssl.bing.com - Cross-site Scripting vulnerability

ssl.bing.com – Cross-site Scripting vulnerability
Advisory ID:
Stefan Schurtz
Affected Software:
Successfully tested on ssl.bing.com
Vendor URL:
Vendor Status:
Vulnerability Description
The website ‘ssl.bing.com’ is prone to a Cross-site Scripting vulnerability

Continue reading "SSCHADV2013-012 - ssl.bing.com - Cross-site Scripting vulnerability"

SSCHADV2014-001 - Wordpress Plugin WP-Members Version 2.8.9 - Stored and reflected Cross-site Scripting vulnerabilities

Wordpress Plugin WP-Members 2.8.9 – Multiple Cross-site Scripting vulnerabilities
Advisory ID:
Stefan Schurtz
Affected Software:
Successfully tested on WP-Members Version 2.8.9
Vendor URL:
Vendor Status:
Vulnerability Description
The Wordpress plugin "WP-Members 2.8.9" is prone to reflected and stored XSS vulnerabilities
Continue reading "SSCHADV2014-001 - Wordpress Plugin WP-Members Version 2.8.9 - Stored and reflected Cross-site Scripting vulnerabilities"

SSCHADV2013-010 - developer.mozilla.org DOMbased Cross-site Scripting vulnerability

developer.mozilla.org - DOM based Cross-site Scripting vulnerability
Advisory ID:
Stefan Schurtz
Affected Software:
Successfully tested on developer.mozilla.org
Vendor URL:
Vendor Status:
Vulnerability Description


The website 'developer.mozilla.org' is prone to a DOM based XSS vulnerability
Continue reading "SSCHADV2013-010 - developer.mozilla.org DOMbased Cross-site Scripting vulnerability"

HTML5 Security Cheatsheet

Here you can find the HTML5 Security Cheatsheet, which is a nice source of some good XSS payloads.

For Example:

XSS via formaction – requiring user interaction (1)

A vector displaying the HTML5 form and formaction capabilities for form hijacking outside the actual form
<form id="test"></form><button form="test" formaction="javascript:alert(1)">X</button>
Self-including DOM Worker XSS
A self-including code snippet utilizing a DOM worker and firing a message event to itself causing script execution
0?<script>Worker("#").onmessage=function()eval(.data)</script> :postMessage(importScripts(‘data:;base64,cG9zdE1lc3NhZ2UoJ2FsZXJ0KDEpJyk’))
Self-hijacking JSON literals
In case parts of a JSON literal are controlled by user input there’s a risk to allow auto-harvesting values from later object members.

SSCHADV2013-011 - pages.ebay.de - DOM based Cross-site Scripting vulnerability

pages.ebay.de – DOM based Cross-site Scripting vulnerability
Advisory ID:
Stefan Schurtz
Affected Software:
Successfully tested on pages.ebay.de
Vendor URL:
Vendor Status:
Vulnerability Description

The website ‘pages.ebay.de’ is prone to a DOM based XSS vulnerability
Continue reading "SSCHADV2013-011 - pages.ebay.de - DOM based Cross-site Scripting vulnerability"
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