Advisory: eMail Center - Cross-Site Request Forgery & Cross-site Scripting vulnerability Advisory ID: SSCHADV2012-099 Author: Stefan Schurtz Affected Software: Successfully tested on Vendor URL: Vendor Status: fixed ========================== Vulnerability Description ========================== is prone to multiple CSRF and XSS vulnerabilities ========================== PoC-Exploit ========================== // XSS A XSS it's possible by a text or html file send as attachement, which includes the following JavaScript `'"`. When the user opens the attachment the XSS is executed. // CSRF It's possible to logout a user, to deactivate the spam detection and to set a new e-mail forwarding. ========================== Solution ========================== fixed ========================== Disclosure Timeline ========================== 08-Sep-2012 - T-online Support informed ( 08-Sep-2012 - heise Security informed 11-Sep-2012 - Telekom Security Team informed by heise Security 13-Oct-2012 - fixed by vendor ========================== Credits ========================== Vulnerabilities found and advisory written by Stefan Schurtz. ========================== References ==========================